GPS coordinates of the event: 42.022537,24.7661728
Free parking area
There is a free shuttle service from the parking lot to the festival area.
The road to car parks is shown in the picture below.
Bus transport from Plovdiv to Kuklen
From Rodopi Bus Station (near Plovdiv Central Railway Station) to Kuklen:
Thursday and Friday: 06.00; 07.00; 07.30; 08.00; 08.30; 09.15; 10.45 11.30; 13.45; 14.30; 15.15; 16.00; 16.30; 17.00; 17.30 18.00; 18.40; 19.30; 20.00; 20.40; 21.40; 22.30
Saturday and Sunday: 05.45; 06.00; 07.00; 07.30; 08.00; 08.30; 09.15 10.00; 10.45; 11.30; 12.15; 13.00; 13.45; 14.30; 15.15 16.00; 16.30 17.00; 17.30; 18.00; 18.40; 19.30; 20.40; 21.40 22.30
From Kuklen there is a transport to the festival area.
The place where the bus will wait is against the building of the municipality. It starts from Thursday to Sunday and starts at the festival from 12.00-15.00-18.00 (This is on the main road after the Kuklen Bridge and Supermarket, there is a taxi area (see picture below).
If you are looking for or offering a transport write here: