About us:
Center for Early Development „Umnicheta“ is a training center that offers, besides standard courses unconventional training methods (method of Dr. Lozanov, Maria Montessori, Glenn Doman) for the earliest period of development, assisting the building of self-esteem, confidence , the transition from dependence to independence and the birth of interest in learning.
With respect and gratitude to nature – the road to a better future for our children
Great opportunities for aesthetic education meetings provide the child with nature. Let it be nurtured with respect for people, animals and the wonders of nature – it is the duty of each of us. No man who is indifferent to what environment grow his children.
If you really want a better future for our children, we must learn to respect the world around us as it is … Maybe we must understand that this world is home to everyone – people, plants and animals, with all their diversity, beauty and greatness … and everyone has the right to live in it peacefully and happily. And when you understand, learn and children of that! The beginning was made as soon as it begins to distinguish the characteristics of the appearance of animals and birds, the sounds and they asked the first question about the world around him.
The three-year child can be drawn to care for domestic flowers – it will gladly help clean the dried petals, water them to occasional stormy. A walk in the park to bring a crust of bread to feed the sparrows. Let’s show the children different trees, and it can bring a leaf from each. This will educate caring attitude towards nature and each walk will cause the child’s joyful amazement first aesthetic experiences. At this age there is no need prompted to move actively – and it only expresses a desire to run and hide in the bushes and rolling on the grass or in the snow.
Children 4 – 5 years ask many questions about nature. Their attention lasts longer and can make simple connections between phenomena observed by them. In this age they already know that plants need heat, water and sun to grow. And themselves, of course. At this age children enthusiastically perform assigned tasks than adults. Stay fresh air while pull the weeds flower bed or collect dead leaves will be good both physically and emotionally.
Seemingly unorganized games in the park wearing cognitive, health and social benefits for children. It is important for them to play outside, no matter what age they are. In this era of lack of exercise and obesity, the effect on general health is indisputable. It does not ignore the fact that the child gets to know the world around them, develop creativity and self-discipline (flowers do attract, but do not tear!). Social benefits are directed towards cooperation and flexibility in communicating with the band playing. Emotionally games outside help reduce stress and aggression and increased happiness. Children spend more time outdoors, become smarter, more sociable and healthier than those who like quiet games at home. By communing with nature more children develop imagination and figurative thinking.
Communing with nature and care it takes to foster positive feelings mandatory for everyone. The ability to notice and pay handsome develops gradually. But if development is done spontaneously, without deliberate influence of the family, it can be quite slow, so we have to turn our aesthetic education of children should not remain in my entire life „blind and deaf“ to the beauty of nature.